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There Is No Need for a Chiropractor

Nope, I’m not a chiropractor; however, I would love to get my back adjusted right now.

This is the definition of adjustment, per Webster’s dictionary.

Adjustment : a correction or modification to reflect actual conditions

Merriam Webster dictionary

When you think of adjustments, you think of physical. Moving the belt loop from two notches to three notches o getting an appointment with your favorite chiropractor. A wise woman told me about adjustments in the context of personal adjustments.

If you all know me and have been following me for a while, you know that I wear a lot of hats. Sometimes those hats clash and fight to get my attention. One thing I fail to realize is, I have to adjust to the different hats I wear to make sure that I don’t lose who Kendra is. Powerful, Right!??! When you are a wife, a mom, a business owner, involved in the community, a sister, daughter, a friend. (My Gawddd) You try to be so much for so many people. During that, you at times may lose yourself, or feel like you’re losing yourself. When we get to that moment where we’re feeling like we’re losing ourselves. We have to think about how we can adjust to keep ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually sane.

Since so many people depend on you, you ask yourself…”How do I adjust?” How do I make sure that I’m staying sane and not losing it. I’m not a magician but some days everyone wants me to do magic. I can’t juggle all the things. One thing I learned is, you’re not perfect, and you can’t do it all.

Here are my five things that I think will help you in learning how to adjust or delegate.

  1. Use services like Fiverr or Time ETC to delegate the small task or hire a virtual assistant
  2. Learn how to say NO. It’s okay. Once again you cannot do it all. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re trying to be mean. You are saying I do not have the bandwidth (mentally, physically, fiancially, or spiritually)
  3. Learn how to take time for yourself. At the end of the day, when so many people depend on you and need you. If you don’t take time for yourself to make sure that you are whole, you are going to drive yourself crazy. I had to learn how to do this myself. My me time is sacred and that’s that!
  4. Adjust the damn schedule! That was hard for me to type because I live by a schedule. Man, What would I do without my schedule? If something happens that is out of my control, I am learning that it’s just out of my control and I need to roll with it. I’m not God. And I don’t have a magic wand to make it change or make it go my way. (I’m still learning this one, lol)
  5. Regardless of how big or how small the win is, don’t forget to cheer for yourself. Be Your loudest cheerleader! I cheer for myself and family all the time. Sometimes it’s a real cheer. That’s just what I do, that’s my personality. Letting the universe you are proud of yourself and showing gratitude for the small and big wins.

Remember before you can do anything for anyone else, you have to love and take care of yourself first. Adjustments are not bad. Its temporary work for great future YOU!

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